Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When life gives you lemons....

Make a soy latte and smile. (or something)

So awhile ago I put up a status update on facebook about people being completely negative. It really grates on me when day after day people continually talk about all the crap in their lives. We all have bad days. I get that. It happens. But I wrote this particular status because there are some people I am "friends" with on facebook who literally NEVER post anything positive. I am not into zen thinking or anything, but I have to believe that if you only focus on the negative things in your life you are not going to land in a positive place.

For example, in a given week I've read: fill in the blank with whoever's name

".....should have just stayed in bed"

"....has yet another headache today--I hate my life"

"....is sick yet again"

"....wishes that something would go right"

"....hates my job"

I could go on and on and on. I live in LA. It is reeeeeally way too easy to get bogged down here sometimes. Even just in my commute to work. I'll leave my house thinking "today is going to be a good day!" and by the time I've driven 15 minutes I have honked 5 times, almost been hit by a bus, and had to avoid 3 near-collisions. It can be hard to remain in that positive way of thinking. But we've got to try, right?

And another point--if you aren't making any changes to make things better then you really can't complain. I am sure some people in my life reading this are now thinking that I'm guilty of that . :) I've tried to get better. Positive change yields positive thinking. Stress is a part of life. But maybe take a step back--especially now during Thanksgiving week and think about all of the good in your life! I am sure that there is a lot if that is what you choose to focus on. :)

Onward and upward!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jon and Kate plus hate

I've been thinking about this subject matter for awhile, but yesterday brought it to the forefront of my mind. As I waited in line at Rite-Aid there in front of me was a magazine with Kate Gosselin on the cover and a smaller photo of two of the kids looking sad. The caption was "those poor kids". Why is it "oh those poor kids..." in this situation more than the hundreds of thousands of kids whose parents get divorced every day? I think of this in a very personal way speaking (typing) from experience. Why do we talk about it so much when it is people we don't know and ignore it when it is people that we do?

When my parents got divorced in 1996 no one talked to me about it. In a time when I needed people the most, I didn't have anyone to talk to. I was 16 with two older sisters who were living far away from home--one in Alabama in college at Auburn, and one in Mississippi working and living life. In the "perfectly" bubbled environment of church and school, I felt like I couldn't rock the boat. I don't blame my 16 and 15 year old friends for not knowing what to say. A bummed out 16 year old girl isn't all that easy to understand. But where were the adults in my life? When I was hurting deeply, I was more worried about making other people uncomfortable by talking about our "situation." In some of the most traumatic weeks of my life I sucked it up and rallied through as we moved out of our house I'd lived in my whole life and in with my grandma and uncle. My dad was getting help and learning how to deal with life. My mom was for the first time realizing she didn't know how to do a lot of things but she had to do them (much like Kate is doing now I suppose as she's trying new things with the kids that Jon always did for her). In our instance it had more to do with finances and life than with adventure.

It is just hard looking back. When I really should have had some counsel, I was helping those around me ignore the problem and look the other way. Our situation didn't fit in. It went against the grain. Honestly apart from my mom not teaching at HHCS anymore, I am not sure anyone would have noticed the depth of what we were dealing with. I believe I am stronger because of all of the crap. There is no other word for what we went through. Well there are a few other ones, but crap covers it more politely. In retrospect, I think I may have studied psychology in college because I was trying to understand myself and what should have been available to me at 16. Being at Taylor didn't make it all better. Parent's weekend was always tough. Many kids at Taylor seemed to live these ideal lives where their parents held hands and walked around campus with them. I still felt pretty different. But I discovered more about me.

Am I upset for the 8 kids affected by Jon and Kate's divorce? Of course. They're little victims in this. Small people without a say. Divorce stinks whether you are 2 or 20, 5 or 50. Whether you are the divorcee or the children affected by it. It hurts everyone in different ways. But one thing I learned through my experience is that we should reach out to those IN OUR LIVES...not just get riled up about those on our tvs. Especially living in LA, I see daily how media takes tv and movie and reality stars and picks them apart as quickly as it lifted them up into their "star" status. The mighty have fallen in this situation and guess what...they get higher ratings! Great (sarcasm). The kids are hopefully going to have someone to talk to about how they are feeling. Someone neutral with whom they feel comfortable being open and honest, but every kid affected by divorce should have that. This is a wake-up call to people. Marriage is being hit hard everywhere and for quite awhile it's been exploited on television. P.s. don't do a reality show if you want to stay together. I think that much has become pretty obvious.

I just wish everyone cared a little more about the attainable people right next to them who are hurting. I wish churches (I think progress has been made in this area since 1996) didn't shun those who didn't ever want divorce to happen but who were affected anyway. I wish counseling wasn't seen as a weakness but was instead encouraged. I wish people around us had embraced my mom instead of making her feel alone and different. A few years ago Mom and I were talking on the phone about marriage. I told her something that she still quotes me on today. I said "Getting married is easy. I could get married tomorrow. Staying married is the hard part, and that's why I'm not in any rush." Reach out. Help someone. It can be as easy as asking someone how they are or giving them a hug. Don't get so caught up with the couple in Pennsylvania who (let's be honest) you won't ever meet. Look around you in your real life. Be nice.

I think that's all my brain can handle right now.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Big Week in Hollywood

Saw this while leaving the airport after dropping my boss off.  Fitting, I thought.  Seriously though as I recall the awful jobs I had when I first got to LA I am really thankful that I am now a personal assistant with a boss I like!  That in itself is pretty monumental in this town. :)  

Since moving to Los Feliz I have walked up and down Franklin at least 100 times.  Never before had I noticed this teeny door in the side of someone's place.  We decided it was picture-worthy.  I have a theory that the neighborhood troll lives inside.  Cooper is boring and said it's probably just storage.  I like my theory better. ;)  

In other Hollywood news, lots of people died last week.  Three of those people were famous...Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson (in case you live under a rock and hadn't heard).  I was pretty repulsed by some friend's comments about these deaths.  I thought compassion was a good quality.  Sensitivity, thoughtfulness, sympathy, empathy.  Apparently making a joke at the expense of someone else who has passed away is more important for some.  I personally was grossed out at the lack of class.  Ok, so you aren't personally affected by the loss.  No problem.  Still don't think there need to be jokes made about death.  It's insensitive and as I said, gross.  

So, there.  I've said my piece and counted to three.  (Name that movie)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Another one bites the dust....

I sit here clinging to my singlehood...as a happily dating woman of 29. ;)  The last of my TU bffs tied the knot last Friday in a beautiful ceremony in Grand Rapids, MI.  Whenever our girls' weekends revolved around a wedding, it's a little less like a typical girls' weekend.

What's a girls' weekend usually like? Talking. Eating. Talking. Talking. Talking. More eating. We legitimately love to get together and chat about life and memories and what the future holds. And we like eating too. :) Mainly it's just a very relaxed 4-5 days where we get to take a step away from our lives and hang out like we did in college. So when it is centered around a wedding there is A LOT more activity than in a typical girls weekend. See what I mean. :)

In this case, my journey was....long. I took the red eye from LA on Tuesday night, landing in the FREEZING Chicago airport at 5 am, and then arriving in Indy at 9:15. The trip started off quite difficult for me. I am not a crabby person. It's just now how I am. I wake up happy. Ya, I know that could annoy people. Anyway...my mom had told me she would bring me a Concannon's donut at the airport. I wasn't going to be in Muncie a day that the bakery was open and these are a once a year (if I'm lucky) treat that all from Muncie-land know are worth their weight in gold! Well, when I landed (quite cranky from my 3 hours of plane sleep) I called my mom. She was running late. By a half hour. And she forgot my donut. I think my scowl was atrocious at that moment. Luckily it was just strangers in the airport who witnessed it. I was looking forward to that donut and my eyes were so droopy and tired and I just wanted to be picked up!! Boo.

In retrospect I didn't plan my trip all that well. We pretty much drove right up to Chicago on our way to Grand Rapids. Could've just had Mom pick me up at that airport. OH well. We had the time in the car to chat and catch up. The drive up was long. LOTS of construction and lanes closed. Once I was with my girls though, all was forgotten!!
Loved the car they drove away in...adorable. I like seeing how David looks at Katherine. It's fabulous and what every woman deserves. :) They have a sweet story. They went to high school together in South Bend, IN but didn't really hang out very much and definitely didn't date. Somehow at a wedding a couple years ago their paths crossed again and reconnected. And as they say, the rest is HISTORY. She was a beautiful bride. I'm not at all surprised because this is Katherine, my friend who can look dressed up and classy in a t-shirt. The bachelorette party was fun. Dinner and a boat cruise and fun presents for the bride. Rehearsal dinner was tapas and sangria. Yum. Wedding day = pink dresses, photos, gorgeous bride, sweet ceremony, fun party! David was pretty much adorable before Kat came down the aisle. He was puffing out his cheeks and letting out big breaths...looked like he was getting ready to run out for the big game. :) The whole church was cracking up. It was cute how nervous he was...but that good kind of nervous. :)

This girl is such a consistent presence in my life. It's so amazing to have a friend that you can count on. Just before I was leaving LA for her wedding she left me a very sweet voicemail just telling me how much it meant to her that I was coming all that way for her wedding (as if I would even CONSIDER missing it?!!! :)). She's one in a million, that's for sure.

Myrah and Truth

My nephew and niece love each other which is really great to see.  I think at this age my sisters and I still annoyed each other quite a bit.  I talked to my Mom and she said Myrah has really missed her brother this week.  He's been doing a church camp project called SERVE where they help out around Muncie.  But they'll get to hang out tonight when he's all done and they have their party in the parking lot at church!  I'm sure it will be a great reunion. :)

I hadn't seen the kids in 2 years (I know, I know...it killed me), but you'd never know it by how close we are.  I am so glad to know these little humans.  They are wonderful.  I still can't believe that Truth is already 13.  I still remember when I told someone he was 4 and he piped up "no, I'm 4 and 3 quarters!"  ha.  He is sweet and considerate and I can't wait to see the kind of man he grows up to be.  

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Random spurts of words

Is it really almost summer?  I guess so.  In Mollywood, a lot has been happening.  Memorial Day weekend was glorious and felt much longer than 3 days (definitely a good thing!)  Went to Ventura again for the day and had a great time.  In TU girls news my friend Jess had her baby girl last night (a week and a half early) but she's big and healthy.  7 lbs. 2 oz...Claire Cameron Perkins. :)  Can't WAIT to meet her.

I'm aching to go on vacation.  Still trying to find a pink dress to wear to Katherine's wedding.  It's cool, I still have a whole 12 days.  Yikes.  Nothing like pressure.   

For the first time ever, Arthur jumped into the tub last night with no coaxing.  He was in the living room.  All I did was turn on the water to rinse out the tub for his bath and he was all of the sudden beside me and climbing in.  What a good boy. :)  

My boss did a magic trick for me at work today.  Shiny.  

That is all.  

Friday, May 8, 2009

More dog torment

My dog is such a good sport.  And he looks darn good in glasses, I've got to say.  I think the sunglasses make him look much cooler.  And of course it wouldn't be an Arthur picture without the tongue out or the snaggle tooth...or on a perfect day, BOTH! :)

My cute boyfriend and my cute animal posing in the newly painted green living room. :)

Florida trip, spontaneity, humidity, and clarity

About a month ago I was feeling a little ho-hum.

Ho-hum: (n) defined as a state of complacency, lack of excitement.

So I thought to myself, hmmm, what shall I do about this ho-hum-ingness? (Yes, that's totally a word).  Well, why not go to Ft Lauderdale and visit two of my favorite girls in all the world?  That is sure to cure my issues.  Booked a flight, and off I went a couple weeks later.  

In college, I had kind of a rough freshman year.  I didn't have the connections in friendship that I had in high school and I was in a long-distance (um, Upland to Muncie...;)) relationship with my boyfriend from high school who I didn't get to see all that often.  I toughed it out and ventured into my sophomore year relationship-free and ready to tackle the world.  My new wing had a fun freshman named Katy and we connected right away based on our mutual quoting of the movie Clueless and having the same tank top. (deep deep connections!) :)  Katy was from Ft Lauderdale and pretty early on in the year she decided to start planning a Spring Break trip to her house and invited her favorite girls she'd met so far.  Who knew that her little plan would create life-long friendships?  

We all knew of each other but didn't know each other that well.  If we were going to spend 8 days together we figured that should be remedied and started having planned dinner dates in the DC, all 6 of us.  The rest is history....

Katy still lives in Ft Lauderdale and now has two adorable children, one of which I hadn't met yet.  Here he is...the adorable JAMEN. (posing with his Aunt Kat)

Kat moved down to Florida just this year after spending 2 years in Honduras and another few in Chicago.  She's getting married in June and her fiancee is in FL, so all the pieces just kind of came together.  Because we were both single (and now both are not..interesting) we became very close after college.  I still talk to her at least twice a week and sometimes more.  So great to be able to see both Katy and Kat in one place!  Here is a pic of the 3 of us at dinner during my visit.  We all got the same meal too...ha.  

Kaia is Katy and Aaron's spunky almost 4 year old.  She had some of the greatest quotes during my visit.  I took the red-eye out of LA so I was not looking my best my first day there...serious Sporty Spice outfit and ponytailed hair. :)  I played with Kaia all day and then hopped in the shower and changed for dinner.  When I was all ready, a couple of Kaia's friends were over and she wanted to introduce me.  She said "this is molly.....but she....got different." :)  Guess me being clean equalled a big change for her. :)  Here she is after we picked her up from school.  
Another funny Kaia-ism...just after this picture above was taken, one of her little friends came up to Katy and asked if the two of them could have a playdate.  Katy said "sure, but not today.  Have your mom call me."  She said "ok" and ran down the hallway towards her dad and siblings.  We were almost out the door when Kaia turned back and shouted "WHAT'S YOUR PHONE NUMBER???!!!!"  It sounded hilarious.  Like she was going to put the whole playdate together on her own. :)

Jamen was a constant source of entertainment.  He had just discovered how to clap this month so it was his favorite activity.  Every time he cracked himself up and in turn, we'd all end up laughing at his cuteness.  Kaia is a great big sister and considers Jamen to be her baby.  Katy's friend Heather had her new baby girl Eliyah over to visit and when she was crying I asked Kaia if she wanted to go comfort her.  Kaia said "no, that's baby Eliyah...she's not mine."  So funny.  
All in all it was a great trip, a good refresher.  I still don't like Florida.  It is SO humid and I've gotten really spoiled in LA.  We get the nice hot weather without so much sweating. :)  But my time with Katy and Kat, Aaron and David, Kaia and Jamen (and my boss' mom Ruth!) was wonderful.  This week has been a good one being back home.  Life is good.  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Big G

This year I came up with kind of an interesting (at least in my opinion) resolution.  This happened in February so really it wasn't a resolution so much as a decision to do something.  I decided that it would be a really cool thing to write my Grandma Jean letters at least twice a month.  It's been so fun looking forward to hearing back from her.  Today I composed my 6th letter and am including some pictures for her from our trip there in January.  Although I love living in LA, the distance can be difficult when it comes to family and friends.  Keeping in touch is difficult.  There are time changes that hinder phone calls during hours I'm not working and weekends seem jam-packed with no time for long phone chats.  And getting something in the mail that isn't a bill is exciting! :)  So in my opinion this is a successful endeavor that we've begun.  Having a cool Grammy as a pen pal isn't half bad.  

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Metric and life in music

Good shows are coming up.  This makes Molly happy.  In a year when they've taken away all of my good radio stations (indie 103.1 specifically) I need these shows to get me through!  I'm an assistant...I spend a lot of time in my car and I need music to help deal with traffic in LA.  Indie helped me.  It exposed me to new artists, played old favorites that no one else played, and helped those guys I love who aren't so mainstream to get some airplay.  Sigh.  Pour a little out for a radio station that has now been made into a Spanish station....

This morning we got tickets to see Metric at the Wiltern.  This will be my 3rd Metric show and I'm fired up.  The new album is AMAZING.  So dancy and fun.  I happen to be listening to it currently in my office and boogieing a bit in my chair.  It's ok, I'm not in a room with anyone else...and it's the kind of album that makes you move.  You just can't help it!  

"I wanna leave but the wooooorld won't let me go"

So go grab this album.  It's called Fantasies.  And while you're at it, get their other albums too.  Live It Out is an incredible album.  I typically don't like female vocalists.  I'm not sexist...they just don't usually get to me the same way.  But Metric is one of the few that I am in love with.  

Check it out...and thank me later!~

Thursday, February 26, 2009

G is for Gertrude and A is for Arthur

Today is February 26th which is a special day to me for a couple reasons. It is the day that my Grandma Gerty was born in 1908. She would have been 101 this year. Crazy. She is the epitome of the kind of lady I aspire to be. I miss her all the time, but she is in my dreams a lot. I like to think that is a chance for us to catch up a little. :) Love you, Gerty!

And today is my doggie's birthday too. He is 5! Time flies. I remember when I was researching boxers. I honestly don't remember why I decided on that breed. We had Louis the pug and I wanted a bigger dog and got focused on boxers. After looking at ads every day, I finally succumbed and called a guy who posted about his new puppies. I was calling him throughout the day and getting updates... soon he only had one puppy left! I had to wait for KT to get home from work and we drove to the middle of nowhere outside of Atlanta. I was just going to "look." As soon as I saw the adorable brindle boxer puppy I knew he was mine. I couldn't leave without him and I wrote the check then and there (of course, why would I have had my checkbook if I really was...."just looking"? :)). I named him on the way home and the rest is history! I love you, my little furry child!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My animal...

My dog is cute.  This is him pausing on a walk to play.  Doesn't he look like he wants to say something?  

For some reason we were laughing so hard I was crying when we put Cooper's glasses on Arthur.  He just looks so serious and funny!

I mean....really?  Adorable.  Makes him look intelligent.  But then his tongue comes out and the intelligence factor goes right out the window.  Haha.

The big 2-9

If you've never had Katie C's cupcakes then you just don't know how amazing they are. :) As my sister said "these cupcakes could end wars." I'm not big on cake and icing, but these are GOOOOOD!

I feel lucky to have such great people in my life. Took some pics of the table at Genghis Cohen as we celebrated the fact that I'm getting ooooold. Me, my babe, and Katie C post chow-down.

Anne, Rada, and Katie...we've celebrated a lot of birthdays together at this point. Katie obviously has seen me since my very first one and we've mostly had joint parties (not the drugs kind) since we were little seeing as our bdays are only 6 days apart.

Tami and RJ experience Genghis for the first time and really enjoyed our lazy susan centerpiece..as did the rest of us. Very useful for sharing!

This actually happened the weekend before my birthday...KT and I went to Urth Cafe and this is the random number they gave me while I waited for my food...almost like they knew! Creepy coincidence! Just kidding.

I had a very fun birthday weekend. Saw SCB on Friday at Molly Malone's and was able to get a lot of people out that night to celebrate that I hadn't seen in awhile. Plus the boys had a great show. Saturday was v-day and I'm not really into that whole idea. My idea is that you should probably tell the person you love something along those lines more often than once a year. Just seems like kind of a pressured exploited celebration of love to me...so we spent the day watching all of the Lord of the Rings extended edition movies back-to-back with a couple of short breaks to walk the doggie and get snacks at the store. We rallied quite well until 3 am. Made it through all 3 films! That's 13 hours, people. :) Dorky, yes...but a fun and unique day spent with my love.

Sunday we went to brunch and I relaxed during the day (been fighting a sore throat). That night was the dinner and cupcakes extravaganza. Thanks to everyone for all the facebook messages, texts, phone calls...it is fun to feel loved! Although my mom did all the work. Here's to looking forward to 30! It's amazing how life turns out. I feel very very blessed and lucky to be where I am with the people who are apart of my life. 29 years down....we shall see what the future holds!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Blessed and Bewildered

It seems that that is the way life goes.  When there is good, there is also bad.  I guess it is to make us appreciate things a little better.  To me, it already seems like 2009 is zooming by.  Of course January has been quite busy with these short weeks of work (holidays just kept falling on the days right around the weekend making it 4 day weekends...I'm not complaining!). :)  KT and I went to see the pops in Mississippi and had a great time.  I didn't drive for 5 days!!  That NEVER happens.  I drive so much for my job...and it's not just driving, it's LA driving.  Anyone who has done that, knows just how different it is to drive in this town.  Urgh. :)  

We got to go to some old favorites that aren't in LA...chik-fil-A, Mellow Mushroom, etc.  I got to take my time shopping instead of running in a store for my boss and then taking a quick power lap in the other sections perusing for myself.  My fam is hilarious and each trip I come back with some great quotes.  This year the winner was my aunt talking about tattoos...having seen mine and KT's.  She said "the only tattoo I'd ever get is a huge DNR on my chest."  Say this in a very pessimistic monotone voice and picture a tiny woman saying it.  Hilarious.  This is the aunt that called me once and said "open your door and listen....hear that?  It's my life...sucking."  haha  

Here's a pic of me with my other aunt, Betsy...but we call her Mimi.  Everyone does at this point.

I bought Big G a hoodie because it looked like her.  The woman loves pink.  Here she is being "street" with Katie while we played dominos.  

She also liked our new sunglasses and wanted to try them on for a picture.  It was hard to come out of this trip with any pictures.  Aunt doesn't allow it.  Grammy gets mad unless she's being silly and Dad refuses.  Good times.  

I feel like I'm going through a time of transition.  I'm going to be moving March 1st and that's exciting.  I'll be in Los Feliz which is an area that I love.  And there is a backyard for Arthur...he's going to be a happy pup.  It's always fun to make changes at a new place.  I want to paint!  For now though, I want to go home and start my weekend! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2008 wrap-up

2008 was an interesting year.  It is funny because I remember hearing my parents say that time flies and I'd look at them like they were crazy and think "but every day of 2nd grade seems like an eternity!"  Funny how your perspective changes as you age.  I honestly can't believe an entire year has passed since we spent New Year's at obrien's in Santa Monica and at the griffin.  But a lot has changed.

2008 was a year of upgrades....

I upgraded my love life.

I upgraded my apartment by moving out of the neighborhood that I just couldn't deal with anymore.

I upgraded my friendship requirements to those who are respectful and appreciative.

And last night I upgraded my phone to one that (fingers crossed) won't freeze, reset, and delete everything all the time like my BB curve did! :)

There are other categories that I look forward to upgrading in the future, but for now I'm pretty happy with those ones.  In just a month and a half I'll be 29....that is awfully close to 30.  And again I say, time flies.

I'm happy for a new year, new possibilities, new fun, new friends...whatever the future holds!

And tomorrow KT and I are going to Jackson, MS to see my dad, grandma, 2 aunts, cousin, and the Colonel.  Can't wait for a few days away with my hilarious sarchotic family!