Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When life gives you lemons....

Make a soy latte and smile. (or something)

So awhile ago I put up a status update on facebook about people being completely negative. It really grates on me when day after day people continually talk about all the crap in their lives. We all have bad days. I get that. It happens. But I wrote this particular status because there are some people I am "friends" with on facebook who literally NEVER post anything positive. I am not into zen thinking or anything, but I have to believe that if you only focus on the negative things in your life you are not going to land in a positive place.

For example, in a given week I've read: fill in the blank with whoever's name

".....should have just stayed in bed"

"....has yet another headache today--I hate my life"

"....is sick yet again"

"....wishes that something would go right"

"....hates my job"

I could go on and on and on. I live in LA. It is reeeeeally way too easy to get bogged down here sometimes. Even just in my commute to work. I'll leave my house thinking "today is going to be a good day!" and by the time I've driven 15 minutes I have honked 5 times, almost been hit by a bus, and had to avoid 3 near-collisions. It can be hard to remain in that positive way of thinking. But we've got to try, right?

And another point--if you aren't making any changes to make things better then you really can't complain. I am sure some people in my life reading this are now thinking that I'm guilty of that . :) I've tried to get better. Positive change yields positive thinking. Stress is a part of life. But maybe take a step back--especially now during Thanksgiving week and think about all of the good in your life! I am sure that there is a lot if that is what you choose to focus on. :)

Onward and upward!

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