Friday, April 17, 2009

Big G

This year I came up with kind of an interesting (at least in my opinion) resolution.  This happened in February so really it wasn't a resolution so much as a decision to do something.  I decided that it would be a really cool thing to write my Grandma Jean letters at least twice a month.  It's been so fun looking forward to hearing back from her.  Today I composed my 6th letter and am including some pictures for her from our trip there in January.  Although I love living in LA, the distance can be difficult when it comes to family and friends.  Keeping in touch is difficult.  There are time changes that hinder phone calls during hours I'm not working and weekends seem jam-packed with no time for long phone chats.  And getting something in the mail that isn't a bill is exciting! :)  So in my opinion this is a successful endeavor that we've begun.  Having a cool Grammy as a pen pal isn't half bad.  

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