Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A little down time

It seems like life has been go, go, go ever since moving. The summer was spent moving in and getting acclimated and kicking my booty into better shape. Then came Oregon, then Washington, then girls' weekend in Minnesota.

I just got back Sunday night after a hellish return flight (the short story= delayed flight by an hour, then a "weight critical" aircraft which caused 4 people to get kicked off the plane, 30 min longer delay, middle seat that didn't recline because the button was broken, then a missed exit on the way home...home at 2:20 am which was 4:20 am minnesota time). But the weekend was wonderful. Seeing my college girls always leaves me feeling refreshed and loved. I am blessed.

And the next trip I have isn't until mid-December when I will be in Devon's wedding in NC.

So for now I am at home dealing with my doggie. Down time. And time being down. :( Art had been acting funny back at the end of September. Took him to the vet and he had a terrible ear infection and a gum issue. By the end of that same week he was SOOOOO much worse and exhibiting very non-Arthur behavior--hanging his head down low, barely walking around, yelping. It was pretty sad to see especially when I had no idea what was wrong. Second vet visit pinpointed the pain to his neck. Steroid shot, loads of pills...he was doing better.

This week he was back to feeling poorly. Went to a specialist today and we are kind of in a holding pattern until we can get him a CT scan, but he yelped loudly in the office as she messed with his neck. Poor guy. It breaks my heart every time I hear that noise. He is such an amazing creature and has shown me so much unconditional love in the 6 years he has been my buddy. I like my dog more than I like most people. He is always there with a wagging tail and a toy in his mouth. He tries to sit on my lap when I'm on the floor (even though he weighs 71 lbs.) and loves to cuddle. I love coming home to his wrinkly face.

So I'm hoping the docs can help him not be in pain. For now, he's back to being on lots of drugs. He got a methadone shot today--hardcore stuff for my baby. :( I just want him to be comfortable and healed.

My coffee cup from Caribou said "be the person your dog thinks you are." I think that's a pretty good goal. Arthur loves me no matter what--and I feel the same, buddy!

1 comment:

Elicia said...

And thru it all he has prevailed, once again!