Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just call me Grace

I am clumsy. I'm not going to "grow out of it" seeing as I'm now 30 and still as clumsy as ever. Somehow even though I've had my car for almost 2 years I will randomly allow the door to slam shut on my shin as I'm getting out. I have also managed to hit my shoulder on the pointy top part of my driver's side door. This morning I parked in the garage at work because of street sweeping and had 2 boxes, mail, my purse, a bag, and a coffee. I thought I had it all handled and went to pick up my coffee from the top of the trunk. It was on its side. Sigh. Half a latte down the drain (more like down the back of my car and on the driveway).

When these things happen, I often talk to myself. "Really, Molly?!!" is a favorite. Sometimes I just wish I'd learned a little grace. But I was a swimmer, not a dancer. Guess I'm graceful in the water...or I used to be. ;)

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I'm the exact same way!!! Legs are always covered in bruises and I can hardly walk through a doorway without somehow bumping into it. Unfortunately, I've passed my clumsiness onto Grayson--poor thing! :)