I'm 31. Wait, that can't be right, can it? Ya, I guess it is. Born in 1980...31 in 2011.
This year was low-key and nice. We always did little bdays growing up. Mom would make a cake shaped like whatever we wanted and our grandparents would come over. Because KT and I have bdays 6 days apart we always celebrated together. This year, Mom mailed me the tablecloth she embroidered with all my cakes over the years.
The only cake I have a clear memory of is the 3 carrots when I turned...you guessed it, 3! :) I think KT had a rabbit so my carrots went along with that theme. We took the cakes to Grandma Gerty and Boppa's house to celebrate. Before I'd blown my candles out (honestly I don't think they'd even been lit yet), my Uncle Bob ate one of my carrots. THE WHOLE THING! I was inconsolable. For a 3 year old, that was probably one of the worst things an adult could do. I remember saying to my mom, "But I'm not 2, I'm 3! 2 carrots doesn't work." Bad move, Bob...bad move. Obviously I've gotten over it 28 years later. Ha.
I like this quote about age:
"Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese."
-Billie Burke, actress
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
-Mark Twain
Life is happy, and even when it's not, I am happy. There is love all around me...just like in Love Actually. :) Just look at the tiny snowman C made in Tahoe. Seconds after this photo, I was viciously hit with aforementioned snowman. :)
This hat was for sale in the grocery store. We did not buy it. But doesn't it look smashing?
Beautiful Tahoe. I've said it before, and I'll say it again--I will never tire of looking at mountains as a kid raised in the land of flat (aka Indiana). They are amazing and breathtaking.
A boy and his dog. The water was gorgeous. C almost fell in when a pile of rocks he was playing on slid. But he jumped to safety and remained dry. :)
dinner out at a new restaurant with some friends. The waitress botched the cake surprise, but we still had a great time!