Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I scoffed, I rolled my eyes. I gagged a little at romantic movies and cheeseball moments.

Then it happened to me. I take it back. I apologize to those filmakers who made those movies and those friends who shared their disgustingly gushy stories of how they fell for the most amazing person and were met with a less than supportive response. Or maybe I masked it well as I gagged internally. :)

It's true. He's great. I'm smitten. And I'm happy. It's been 6 years since my last relationship and I encountered some pretty terrible situations during those years. You get the bad to see the good? Maybe. Maybe I needed that perspective to be ready to be spoiled. I'm ready! Hit me! Spoil me and I'll share disgustingly gushy stories (only when given permission by the spoiler). Part of it has to do with age and experience I'm realizing. I have learned so much about myself since college that to be in a relationship now is SO different from in the past. It's interesting. I'm on board to see what happens, that's for sure!